Creating Strong Client Relationships

September 12, 2018

It’s no secret that the relationships we create with our customers can make or break our sales and, in the end, our bottom line. What may be a bit more unclear is exactly how to begin and then strengthen those relationships.

First things first – it takes a dedicated amount of time and energy to build good, strong, lasting business relationships. While the word “networking” may send shivers of fear and anxiety down your spine, it doesn’t have to be as soul-stealing experience. When you get right down to it, networks are made of people who help one another, learn from shared experiences, and genuinely care about the well-being and success of each other.

So, how do we form these great networks and relationships? Consider these 7 tips to polish up your skills:

  1. Get Out of the Office
    Step away from your desk and meet people face-to-face. Look outside of your regular phone list and instead look to people who are in all aspects of your life. Potential customers are all around you. Often, it’s the unexpected people who really make the difference in building your network.
  2. Lend a Helping Hand
    Something that many people forget is that you need to give in order to get something back. If you want help from people, you have to help them out as well. Regularly reach out to people and ask them not only what’s happening in their world but also how you can help them. Offer your knowledge, experience and expertise to build the foundation for trust that underlies lasting working relationships.
  3. Ask for What You Need
    Even though it can sometimes feel uncomfortable, the best way to get what you want is to ask for exactly what you need. It’s also better for those who you’re asking because they don’t have to guess what you may have been hinting at asking for. By not beating around the bush, you save time, build trust and have a better chance to get exactly what you want.
  4. Be Who You Are
    An easy way to quickly lose someone’s trust is for them to discover that you aren’t who you said that you were. To avoid this problem, simply be yourself! Be authentic and trust will follow.
  5. Find Common Values
    Seek out people and companies you feel a natural connection with and who you share common interests and values. You don’t have to share every point of view, but you’ll have a better working relationship if you’re on the same page when it comes to how they do business.
  6. Get to Know Them
    If you really want to get to know people, ask them to go for coffee so that you can talk more personally, one-on-one. Share your own experiences as you ask about theirs and simply learn more about each other’s stories.
  7. Brainstorm Together
    Block out dedicated time together to problem solve, brainstorm, engage and do business together. It works best when you can set a regular time and have an agenda for what you want to accomplish so that you use your, and your customer’s, time wisely.

Start small and simple to end up making big differences in your networking and in building your business relationships. Try connecting (or reconnecting) with even one person a day. Get into the habit of developing relationships early and often. Before long you’ll see a huge difference.