5 Tips for Writing Compelling Email Content

April 10, 2018

Did you know the average attention span for a single email is 11 seconds?

As more and more emails flood our inboxes it can be a challenge to stand out in the crowd. We are here to provide you with 5 essential tips on how to create emails that not only get opened, but also get read.

1) Subject Lines that Can’t Be Ignored

The subject line is a reader’s first encounter with an email. It is the deciding factor on whether or not they open the email or toss it in the trash.

Some of the ways a subject line can catch a recipient’s attention are if it is snappy, urgent, bold, joking, emotional, celebratory, inquisitive, sincere or informative.

2) Shorter = Better

When crafting the body copy of an email, it can be tempting to try and provide as much information as possible. However, keep in mind the average attention and keep things short and sweet. Catchy headlines and engaging imagery can go a long way in conveying a message without a lot of words.

3) Engage Readers with a Must-Click “Call to Action” (CTA)

The Call to Action (or, CTA) is one of the most important details of an email. After all, most professional emails are sent in hopes of the recipient taking some kind of action such as visiting a website, making a purchase or signing up for something.

Often highlighted in the email as a button or a stand-alone sentence, CTAs should be clear and short. An action word, or verb, should always be used. For example, “Start Your 2-Week Free Trial” is clear, succinct and encourages readers to start.

4) A/B Test for Better Success

A/B testing is when you send out two similar, yet different, emails into the world and collect data on which performed better. For example, you can send out Test Email A with a subject line presented as a question and Test Email B with a subject line that is a statement. You can also A/B test the copy within the emails, the image you choose or the CTA.

A/B testing can provide insight into such valuable data as open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversation rates. This information can help you shape future emails to be even more successful.

5) Stay True To Your Brand

One of the best ways to build trust with email readers is by crafting emails in a way that feel human and authentic to your brand.  If the brand is a little more playful, readers will grow to expect that and will look forward to the fun the brand delivers. If the brand is informative and professional, they will begin to trust the brand as sources of advice and guidance.

Email is still one of the most direct ways to engage with customers (and potential customers), but it can sometimes feel like shouting into a void. Sharpen your email skills and remember you still have those 11 seconds to capture reader’s attention!