Dynamic Marketing in a Crisis with Shelley Williams

December 22, 2020
Dynamic Marketing in a Crisis with Shelley Williams
Shelley Williams is the Vice President of Marketing here at SanMar. This year has been a whirlwind for her as she is relatively new to the company and the industry in general, having joined up just a couple months before the pandemic hit.
In this episode, Shelley discusses how the pandemic compelled SanMar to focus on building relationships, speculates on which advancements spurred on by quarantine will carry forward and emphasizes you should never forget it’s okay to ask for help.
- How the COVID-19 pandemic made Shelley and others reassess their approach to customer care and communication.
- What SanMar did to adapt its normally in-person practices to a virtual format during quarantine.
- Breaking down what has and hasn’t gone so well for SanMar’s approach throughout this unusual year.
- Which COVID-inspired changes and work-arounds may be carried forward even after quarantine ends.
- Shelley reveals what she’s most proud of when she thinks back on the year.
- What Shelley is hopeful for in the coming year.
- “You need to reevaluate every message you’re putting out there.”
- “[COVID] isn’t gonna stop us from doing great work. We’re gonna figure this out.”
- “We’re all in it together and you know we’re doing crazy things, but we can do it.”
- “Just because it’s successful doing it the way we’ve always done it, doesn’t mean we have to not look forward to what’s coming.”
- “What you’ve always done isn’t going to always work.”
- SanMar U: http://www.education.sanmar.com/
- SanMar’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sanmarcorp/
- SanMar’s Twitter: @sanmar_corp
- SanMar’s Instagram: @sanmar_corp