The Building Blocks of a Successful Website

February 13, 2020

Word of mouth has played a major role in the building of new business for all aspects of our industry. While a referral can place your company’s name into the mind of a possible customer, increasingly, their next step is to search for you online. This is where psychology kicks in.

The typical website visitor makes a quick judgement about whether they want to contact you, based on the impression your website makes. In fact, people spend less than 15 seconds viewing a page before they decide to act.

That being said, your website’s visual appearance and concise messaging are critical in the success of potential customers reaching out to you.

The good news is that needs for a company focused around contract decorating are not as vast as those targeting direct sales. Tools such as SEO, shopping cart systems and more can be considerations for a later date.

The focus on your website build or re-model should be centered around three core fundamentals:
appealing, simple and relevant.

This relates to two key factors: having a site that will look good on someone’s monitor and mobile device along with engaging images that convey a sense of style.

The concept of a website that will adjust to what type of device the person is using is called responsive design. It allows your website to scale and adjust its formatting to be easier to read and navigate no matter if you’re viewing on your laptop or phone.

Many people search for and view websites on their phone. So, if your website is not responsive or easy to navigate and shop on a mobile device, you could very well be ruled out.

Once your site is responsive, add intentionally designed imagery and video to show customers exactly what your shop can do to solve a customer’s decorating needs. This type of visual aesthetic can be easily achieved using the high resolution cameras on our phones paired with app filters that can make even a basic photo bombastic!

One of the most commons mistakes I have seen business owners make is when they overcomplicate their website. Since contract decorators might not have a primary need to capture the attention of end users, the typical wide cast net that direct sellers need, is not necessary.

It’s best to focus on form and function. Start with something simple – a foundation that you can add feature to and build on as you move forward. If your customer can’t easily find services or item, or can’t easily submit an order, they will most likely move on to a more user-friendly site.

The last of the three fundamentals is that your website must have relevant messaging that is front and center. In that 15 second impression, the language and call to action are just as important as the aesthetic.

If a customer can’t understand what services your company offers or how to contact you, they will likely move to the next option. It may seem simple, but it could be a deal-breaker.

If you are not fully convinced that these insights are of value, consider your own actions the next time you are searching through websites for a company to work with.