Fall 2024 Trends: Rediscovering Wonder

July 3, 2024

When it comes to emotions that influence us, few are more powerful than a healthy sense of wonder. This exquisite emotion has the power to change our understanding of both the world and ourselves. Let’s take a closer look at how the wonder of giving and the wonder of shared moments is shaping our behaviors and our choices, and what that might mean for you and your business for the next several months.

Connecting To Future Generations

May 15, 2024

The influence of how a generation was raised, the technology they depend on and the struggles they face can have an undeniable effect on their buying decisions. Let’s take a closer look at a cusp generation that’s already showing a lot of influence over these buying decisions: the microgeneration between Gens Z and Alpha. Let’s meet the Zalphas.

Connecting To Hero Styles

April 26, 2024

Hero styles aren’t often as bright and loud as a superhero streaking across the sky. Usually they’re more like the everyday hero, the pieces we wear time and again because they feel good and they say something about us. They don’t have to be flashy to quietly build connections between people and ideas. Let’s take a fresh look at some new hero styles and how we can celebrate the core pieces we can’t live without for the work they do every day.

Connecting To Bleisure 2.0

March 29, 2024

The blending of business and leisure travel is not a new concept, but our new “work from anywhere” attitude combined with “fly less and stay longer” travel plans open up new opportunities for anyone in the tourism and hospitality world. Hotels can book more rooms for longer periods of time, restaurants get more customers interested in trying the local cuisine, and everyone can sell more merch to tourists eager to have something to remember the trip by.

Connecting To Athletics and Shared Movement

February 27, 2024

With women wielding more athletic prowess and more economic power than ever before, we take a closer look at how to make sure women feel included in sports, athletics and shared movement. Investing in the kind of gear women need to accomplish their athletic and team goals isn’t just a statement of female power and skill, it’s also great business for you.

Connecting To Clubbing Again

January 29, 2024

How can we feed our need to be social and active when nightclubs are a less available option? In 2024, we adapt by redefining what “clubbing” can look like when it’s not on a dance floor. Let’s take a closer look at how the growing trends of clubs for running, rowing, rollerskating and other activities can mean excellent opportunities for you and your business.

2024 Trend Preview: Connecting the Dots

December 28, 2023

Looking ahead to what 2024 will bring, we’re connecting our emotions to the products we buy and connecting the dots to paint a picture of next year’s trends. Get an early look at how the joy of movement, the strength of heroes and the power of the future will all connect to define what we’ll be wearing.

How To Make Your Style the Hero

November 29, 2023

Heroes are often helpers, assisting us physically, emotionally, socially or spiritually. This applies to our actions, but it can also define the clothes we choose to wear – those everyday hero styles what we just can’t live without. Let’s take a closer look at how these core staples can mean big business.

How To Get a New Perspective

October 19, 2023

Is a concert t-shirt a souvenir from a memorable experience, or can it be a piece of clothing that will be used long beyond that experience? When we think about promotional apparel, both perspectives are valid. See how an evolving perspective on what makes something a customer will consider worth buying often comes from considerations of ease of use, functionality and sustainability.

How To Live In Color

October 3, 2023

Our summer of ‘Barbie’ reminded us about the importance of the color pink, providing a much-needed spark of joy not just on the screen, but in our wardrobes. How we use color creates a chromatic feast for the eyes, feeds our spirit and expresses who we are, but not everyone will respond to the same colors the same way. Take a closer look at different approaches to color and the effect it can have: bold and playful, or muted and meditative.